12 Tips for Assembling a Significant Collection of Early Texas Art
by George Palmer
Buy for love instead of profit. You will make better decisions that way and you will never be disappointed later.
“The more you see the more you learn.” Train your “eye” by looking at as much early Texas art as possible.
Being a member of a collector’s organization like TACO gives you a huge advantage… and free wine!
Know more than your fellow collectors and art dealers – STUDY.
If you are passionate about collecting, your collection will reflect it.
Your collection will be much better if you can have the discipline to wait to buy one great painting instead of spending the same amount on two or three lesser paintings.
Don’t hesitate to do everything you can to acquire a truly great painting if given the opportunity. Those opportunities do not come around very often.
Explore ALL avenues for acquiring a great piece of early Texas art. Remember, an art dealer typically has just one collector he calls first.
Do everything you can to help a fellow collector. Who knows, they may come across TWO Frank Reaugh paintings one day.
If the only way you can afford to acquire a superior painting for your collection is to sell some of your other paintings – Do it! It may be painful but your collection will be better off in the long run.
If you are ever lucky enough to own a truly major piece of early Texas art – don’t ever sell it. You will never forgive yourself and your collection will never be the same. (Note: If you decide to disregard this particular “tip” then please call me first!)
If you are not at least occasionally in some form of financial distress due to your collecting, then you just aren’t collecting hard enough.